Image via CrunchBase Image via CrunchBase I love picking on Seth Godin . Not that anyone cares, I'm just a wannabe and he is the king of the mountain. One of his latest tidbits was on taste. It really struck me AFTER my post the other day about McCormick's attempting to drive LITERAL flavor combinations. McCormick's was trying to drive actual taste combinations by giving it authority, using its brand reliability, and repeating to the point of habit. Godin's point was that brand name creators such as Martha Stewart stay ahead of their tribe by knowing what the tribe might like a "half-step" before they do. He says: The difficult work is doing a new thing in a way that people who have never seen it before will 'get it'. It seems to me this is more just herd mentality . See Adsavvy for a great piece describing a study of how willing we are to join the herd: Researchers at Leeds University, led by Prof Jens Krause, performed a series of experiments wh