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Why Frozen Ain't That Great...

Look, I am glad that kids love Frozen. My daughters are on the bandwagon. They LOVE it for most of the reasons that everyone else is saying they love it. We took the family to see it and 3/5 of us were just "meh"- I seriously would put "Tangled" well ahead of it in terms of story, singing, etc... but apparently I'm in the minority.

So I am going to use an article from WhatCulture to explain my beefs with it:

1. The Songs. WhatCulture writer tries to suggest that the songs are the most memorable since the '90s hey-day of Menken and Ashman. Most of it feels REALLY forced. And while I agree it has a more "Broadway" feel, it is not necessarily a good thing. In particular, the song (see I CAN'T remember which) where Anna falls for the prince, is cute and might be memorable to others, but the jump cuts DURING the middle of the song as in a montage made the sequence in the movie very odd and off putting. The rest... are "meh."

 2. The Singing. Whatculture points out that there are more "Broadway" singers in this movie. This is not a bad thing. But highlighting that one of the standouts is Josh Gad, who is NOT a Broadway singer, does not help the case. I can barely remember his song and he did an OK job with it, but it was not AWESOME. I was pleasantly surprised that Kristen Bell could carry a tune, which also knocks the "Broadway" case down a notch too, right?

 3. Broadway-style. I've already addressed it, but the "style" of a musical on film as a cartoon did not work in this case. See #1 above for my first reason, but while other may LOVE the style others (including my son) were put off by the sheer amount of songs that did not progress the story or add humor. And to add to my problems, I REALLY did not like the tag "The cold never bothered me anyway..."
See for yourself:

4. Re-hashed side characters. WhatCulture wants suggest that Olaf and Sven are great, but Sven is a rehash of Maximus from Tangled (which I had ABSOLUTELY no problem with) and Olaf was fun, but was he any better than Timon and Pumbaa in Lion King? Meh...

5. Lame side stories. Olaf as the culmination of a story? WhatCulture appreciate the Snowman in Summer story much more than I do. Also, it means EVERYONE around him is keeping him delusional. Meh!

6. Beautiful animation. If it wasn't wouldn't we have more room to complain? If not for every animated movie before, would an NOT look better. It gets ZERO credit as an AWESOME movie for having good animation. Not that it wasn't good looking... it was.

7. Princess story. Sure the story was interesting and I can really see why this is appealing to the young ladies. Look out for your sister. This is good. However, this is nothing to do with the Hans Christian Andersen story that they claim Frozen is based on. Plus, they had to create the most noxious villain since Scar in Lion King to keep the queen from looking evil... ugh.

Look I did not HATE the movie, I just don't think it is the bee knee's that everyone keeps talking about. Then again, the LEGOS movie opens today!!!

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