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Nostradamus Ain't Got Nothing! 2010 Predictions AGAIN

Looking back again at 2010 from Social Media Today in 2009:
1. Augmented Reality Applications Will Start to Go Mainstream
Really? Where are they?
2. Location-Based Applications Will Dissolve Into General Social Networks
"Location-based applications like Foursquare and Brightkite will not be the darlings of social media as some predict, but will instead turn into features and dissolve into general social networks like Facebook and Twitter." 
This is probably half-true. They haven't taken off as gangbusters as everyone thought, but have they been completely assimilated? Not close. Are they generally only effective because of Twitter and Facebook, YES. Will they become more important to the mobile world? Definitely.  
3. Enterprise Social Software Applications Will Become Commonplace
"Large software providers like IBM, SAP and Oracle will launch, or announce, the first enterprise-grade social networking and Web 2.0 collaboration applications/suites that will gain broad momentum and recognition in the marketplace."
Where are they?
4. More Social Media Regulation Will Follow the FTC's October Endorsement Guides
Where are they? Again?
5. Social Search Will Shake Out, and the Search Metaphor Will Change
"The whole metaphor for search will change. Search won't be a separate function. Instead of going to a site like or, users will receive meaningful, personally relevant search results within the context of whatever they are currently doing."
Seriously, do people who write about this look at what average people are doing? Is it REALLY that hard to open a window or tab for a google search page? 
Gimme some predictions for 2011 that you would stake your LIFE on in the comments!!

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